I received this unknown Avicularia specimen about a year ago from a good friend who was having trouble getting her to eat and wasn't able to father enough information for a proper identification due to a lack of images from previous instar development, as well.
I began following up on determining what species she might belong under through conversations on forums and other outlets, however I knew I would reach a dead end due to the fact that I didn't possess any images of her spermathecae, previous size, coloration after previous molt or images of what she might have looked like as a spiderling. Now, after about a year getting her to become a more active feeder and building more extensive web tunnels in my care, she finally molted on 04/01/14 allowing me the opportunity to post "before and after" images in the hopes of possibly working with the lot of you that may also feel inclined to help in attempting to find out what species she is.
Of course, the options of a merely drab A. avicularia (though the spermathecae don't seem to match as well) or hybrid specimen are still viable at this point, but hopefully the images I've provided below are enough rule out some species within the complex.
Mystery Avicularia sp. full image (Post Molt)
Mystery Avicularia sp. close-up (Post Molt)
Mystery Avicularia sp. (direct, closer abdominal focus; Post Molt)
Mystery Avicularia sp. isolated spermathecae *taken with cellphone due to time constraints*
Mystery Avicularia sp. exuvium *taken with cellphone, as well*
Unknown Avicularia sp. (lower exposure; full posterior/dorsal focus)
Avicularia sp. before molt (06/02/2013)
Avicularia sp. before molt (06/02/2013)
Avicularia sp. before molt (06/02/2013)