Hi all.
So here is a list of all the T's i have. (will update this list)
Not sure how this is done, but here it goes..
2 x Chilean Rose ( Grammostola Rosea ) - Unsexed
1 x Mexican Red Rump ( Brachypelma vagans ) - Unsexed
1 x Mexican Golden Red Rump ( Brachypelma albiceps ) - Unsexed
2 x Trinidad Chevrons ( Psalmopoeus cambridgei ) - 2 Females
1 x Pink Toe ( Avicularia avicularia ) - Unsexed
2 x Brazilian Giant White Knees ( Acanthoscurria geniculata ) - Unsexed
1 x Venezuelan Suntiger (Psalmopoeus irminia) - Unsexed
1 x Curly Hair ( Brachypelma albopilosum ) - Female
2 x Togo Starburst Baboon ( Heteroscodra maculata ) - Unsexed
1 x Gooty Sapphire Ornamental ( Poecilotheria metallica ) - Unsexed
2 x Brazilian Red and White ( Nhandu chromatus ) - 1 x Bred Female, 1 x Bred Male
1 x Cobalt Blue ( Haplopelma lividum ) - Unsexed
1 x Red Slate Ornamental ( Poecilotheria Rufilata ) - Unsexed
3 x Chaco Golden Knees ( Grammostola pulchripes ) - Unsexed
1 x Singapore Blue (Lampropelma violaceopes) - unsexed
1 x Malaysian Earth Tiger ( Cyriopagopus thorelli ) - Unsexed
I will be getting a new camera today, so will be taking nice photos of as many as possible.