Man, I am glad not to be a mainstream breeder right now...
I haven't bred many species, but I'm currently nursing P.irminia (Suntiger) and C.cyaneopubescens (Green Bottle Blue), but only the P.irminia are ready for sale.
I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO SELL EVEN ONE! When I bought the sling which would eventually become the father of my batch of slings, I paid R180 for him and the seller would not budge a cent on his price. I'm selling mine at only R80 each and nobody is interested.
The market seems completely saturated with just about every species. I guess whats exaggerating it right now is that on top of this, being the beginning of the year, nobody has money after blowing it all in December :lol:
When I started in the hobby, Brachypelma smithi (Mexican red Knee) were almost impossible to find and a TINY sling would set you back no less than R350. Now, they can be bought for as low as R50. Same with B.boehmei and many others. M.balfouri fell swiftly from R1200 a sling to R500. P.metallica is almost a swear-word. P.fasciata are more popular then P.regalis. I could go on...
Anyway, If I can suggest anything to anyone planning to breed right now, make sure you are breeding something rare or in demand, otherwise get ready to either raise all the slings you breed - or - face the fact that you may have to cull/kill them or give them away for free.
Take note people - this is what happens when every Tom, Dick and Harry come in to the hobby, splash cash on adult specimens so they can breed the hell out of them, make a quick buck...and duck. Well, that's what I've seen happening in my opinion.